About Us
A new era in flow batteries
We believe in energy storage as a game changer in clean energy transition.
Founded in 2023, HalioGen Power is a University of Manchester spin-off focused on disrupting the redox flow battery industry. We partner with key institutions and accelerator programmes including SprinD, the Energy Innovation Agency, INEOS, Ansys, Innovate UK, PortXL and D2XCEL.
Founded in 2023, HalioGen Power is a University of Manchester spin-off focused on disrupting the redox flow battery industry. We partner with key institutions and accelerator programmes including SprinD, the Energy Innovation Agency, INEOS, Ansys, Innovate UK, PortXL and D2XCEL.
We enable the world’s decarbonisation by providing a resilient, sustainable and affordable technology that makes renewable energy accessible anywhere, anytime and for anyone.
Our team

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